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Macbeth / Spider Web Castle : Movies and other media

When:Th 22-05-2014 18:00 - 20:00
Where:Faculty of Arts, Harmonie building, Oude Kijk in’t Jatstraat 26, Marie Lokezaal

Lecture by Gregory Currie (University of York), Respondent: Miklós Kiss (University of Groningen)
Fifth lecture in the series Thinking Cinema: New Approaches in Film Philosophy

A filmed version of a play is not just another instance of that work—another performance. It is in a sense a new art work, with distinctive features, for example a permanence that performances lack. Sometimes the relation between play and film gets much more complicated. With Kurosawa’s Spider Web Castle (commonly titled in English Throne of Blood) we have a quite different story, though...(continue reading...)

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