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Study advisors philosophy

Study advisor (Bachelor) Anouk Labberté
Study advisor (bachelor) Anouk Labberté

Anouk Labberté (bachelor) and Janine Weeting (master) are study advisors for the Faculty of Philosophy. You can contact them about admission, enrolment, course programmes, planning, choosing majors and/or minors, but also if you need help because of study delay, medical and/or psychological problems and social safety. Please check the pages below for information before contacting the study advisors:

  • A lot of answers can be found in the latest study guide of the Faculty of Philosophy (in English) or in Ocasys
  • Always check the Study Info tab on the Student Portal for up-to-date messages.
  • Visit the page for (international) prospective students.
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Study advisor (master) Janine Weeting

Contact us:

You can make an appointment in different ways:

  1. Via the online booking system youcanbookme. Use the blue button as shown above.
  2. If none of the available time slots work for you, you can email us to make an appointment: fil-study-advisor You can also email us if you have a quick question that do not need to be discussed in person.
  3. Our direct number is 050-3636157 - please note the phone stays unanswered during meetings with students.

When you contact the study advisors, always state your student number. Do not resend your email, we'll answer you in due time.

Last modified:13 June 2024 4.41 p.m.
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