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About us FEB Your Business Partner

Our partners

In recent years, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration has entered into cooperation with a number of partners: IBM CIC Benelux, Royal Avebe, Oranjewoud Export Academy and Samenwerking Noord. In addition to the knowledge exchange between our faculty and these partners, all of these partners offer internship opportunities for our students and the opportunity to carry out other projects and graduation assignments in the respective organisations.

Joint research activities and executive education

Furthermore, we are developing joint research activities with Avebe and Oranjewoud Export Academy. We also actively collaborate with our partners to develop executive education. For example, in cooperation with the University of Groningen Business School (UGBS) and Oranjewoud Export Academy, we are developing a strategic management program for CEOs and director-major shareholders. Also, UGBS already runs a management training programme on digital transformation for members of Samenwerking Noord and other executive programmes on digitalization, AI, data science and analytics are under development.

Each with its own focus

Each partnership has its own substantive and strategic focus; for example, with IBM CIC Benelux and Samenwerking Noord, we collaborate a lot in the areas of AI, data science and digital transformation, and the focus of the collaboration with Avebe is on talent and knowledge development in the area of technology management.

In addition to our existing partnerships, we are constantly exploring opportunities for new collaborations and are in regular contact with potential new partners.

What do our current partners say?

IBM Client Innovation Center Benelux
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“This collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business not only brings about a lot of interaction between my employees and the faculty, concerning specific knowledge on data, AI and other topics, but it is also an important source of young talent for us. This partnership enables students, during their studies, to explore new technologies with us, learn to make better choices and all in all become better prepared when they start working, for example with us at IBM.”

Leofwin Visman, Managing Director IBM CIC Benelux

Royal Avebe
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“For Avebe it is very important that we attract young talent. We expect a large number of vacancies in the future, especially in the field of technology management. The cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business will help us promote working at Avebe. We are an internationally oriented organization, something people may not always be aware of. With our increasing international focus, there are many opportunities to work at Avebe."

Rob van Laerhoven, Chief Financial Officer Royal Avebe

Oranjewoud Export Academy
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“Oranjewoud Export Academy is a foundation that aims to provide a platform where high-quality knowledge and ambitious entrepreneurs from the Northern Netherlands come together. A platform where entrepreneurs can acquire and bring knowledge that enables international growth. It is the Export Academy’s mission to help entrepreneurs in the Northern Netherlands to maximise their international potential. With practical training programmes and over 50 members - mostly highly innovative companies - Oranjewoud Export Academy is at the heart of northern, internationally operating SMEs. The Faculty of Economics and Business has the business knowledge and young talents that are so valuable to these companies, and these company members in turn offer practical expertise and opportunities for the faculty’s students. That makes structurally connecting each other's know-how and networks a very logical step, which we already noticed during previous projects we carried out together." 

Joyce Walstra, director of Oranjewoud Export Academy

Samenwerking Noord
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"Samenwerking Noord is a network organization in the field of IT and digitalization that is active in the three Northern provinces. Our member organizations are all familiar with the challenges that IT and digitalization present. Knowledge and innovation, as well as the influx of new talents is crucial. That makes this partnership with the faculty and the university very valuable for us."

Fred Hassert, Chair of Samenwerking Noord

Last modified:04 April 2024 11.14 a.m.
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