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Festive celebration of SOM’s 25th anniversary

07 February 2019
Professor Arie Kapteyn, chair of the research midterm review committee: “It’s looking good, it’s looking good”. Photos: Reyer Boxem

Thursday 31 January the Research Institute SOM celebrated its 25th anniversary with over 200 colleagues. The celebrations took place right after the mid-term review.

Professor Arie Kapteyn (University of Southern California and chair of the research midterm review committee) shared some of the prelimanry results. “It’s looking good, it’s looking good”, he said, while at the same time providing suggestions for SOM to take the next step.

Fascinating lecture by Ruben Terlou

Ruben Terlou gave a fascinating lecture about his time in China, the people he encountered and the differences between the western cultures and China. Finally, professor doctor Markus Becker (aka actor Pieter de Rijk) entertained the public with striking examples of how the Dutch speak, act and behave.


To commemorate 25 years of SOM, a booklet has been published with 25 interviews and 25 quotes by people involved with SOM.

Last modified:31 January 2023 09.54 a.m.

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