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Prizes and appointments for FEB researchers Andreas Rauch, Eduard Sari Andreu, John Dong and Paul Elhorst

15 September 2015

FEB celebrates awards and appointments of Andreas Rauch, Paul Elhorst, John Dong and Eduard Sari Andreu.

Rauch, Elhorst, Dong and Andreu
Rauch, Elhorst, Dong and Andreu

Andreas Rauch
Andreas Rauch is winner of the Greif Research Impact Award of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business is a 5,000 USD annual award given to the researcher(s) who published the most impactful entrepreneurship article in the top management and entrepreneurship journals. The impact is measured as the number of Social Sciences Citation Index citations in the five years following publication. An article by Andreas Rauch published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice in 2009 won the award. The title is: “Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance: An Assessment of Past Research and Suggestions for the Future”.

Paul Elhorst
As of September 2015 Paul Elhorst, professor in Economics, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Spatial Economic Analysis, the journal of the Regional Studies Association. He succeeded Bernard Fingleton of the University of Cambridge.

John Dong
John Qi Dong, assistant Professor of Strategy and Organization has won the OCIS Best Conference Paper runner-up of the Aca demy of Management (Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division), at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Vancouver, Canada. The paper's title is: Information Technology and Innovation Outputs: the missing link of search evolution. Besides John Dong, authors are: Prasanna Karhade (Hong Kong University), Arun Rai (Georgia State) and Sean Xin Xu (Tsinghua).

Eduard Andreu
Eduard Suari Andreu, SOM PhD student, is the winner of the 2015 Student Prize for the best paper presented by a graduate student at the Conference of the Inte rnational Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE). His paper is titled: "The Effect of House Price Changes on Household Saving Behaviour - A Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Dutch Case". The prize is worth 500 USD.

Last modified:29 February 2024 10.02 a.m.

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