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Impact cases

In 2022, the decision was made to adjust the Faculty of Economic and Business’ system to measure research performance by assessing the societal impact of research, hereby making the evaluation method more in line with DORA (Declaration of Research Assessment). Academic staff had the opportunity to submit so-called impact cases for evaluation by an external evaluation committee. The Faculty Board will make rewards available, in the form of either research time or funds.

Earlier this year the external evaluation committee, consisting of Professor Erwin Bulte (Wageningen University), Professor Melinda Mills (Oxford University/University of Groningen), Dr. Peter Hein van Mulligen (Statistics Netherlands/CBS) and Professor Barbara Wisse (Faculty of Behavioural & Social Sciences, University of Groningen) evaluated the submitted impact cases. The committee has ranked the proposals based on the strength of (A) underpinning research and (B) evidence of impact.

The vice-dean research Robert Lensink: "It is crucial that our faculty’s research is not only rigorous, but that it has serious impact as well”. He has followed the advice of the committee and has decided to grant the five highest ranked proposals:

  1. Paul Buijs,
    impact case: Sustainable urban freight transport in Groningen and beyond

  2. Jutta Bolt, Robert Inklaar, Bart Los, and Gaaitzen de Vries,
    impact case: Groningen Growth and Development Centre (GGDC) Databases

  3. Dirk Bezemer,
    impact case: Changing the Dutch public debate about financialization: housing markets, pension funds and inequality

  4. Harry Garretsen and Janka Stoker,
    impact case: Leadership in uncertain times

  5. Rob Alessie, Viola Angelini, Hermien Dijk, Roel Freriks, Ruud Koning, Jochen Mierau, and Laura Viluma,
    impact case: Lifelines Corona Research Study (LCRS)

Click on the titles above to read about the research and people behind these impact cases.

Last modified:24 October 2024 11.25 a.m.