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Assistant professor Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber (photo Reyer Boxem)

Instruments to generate better, less egoistic, workplaces

Date:01 June 2023
Assistant professor of Accounting Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber recently received the Honor Roll of Responsible Research in Business and Management together with two colleagues from Clemson University in the US. They received the award for their paper focused on how ethically focused management control systems influence counterproductive work behaviors and work climate. FEB Research talked to Bellora-Bienengräber about the study and the importance of finding instruments to generate better workplaces.
Professor Ulrike Schultze

New in Groningen: Ulrike Schultze

Date:11 May 2023
Ulrike Schultze recently joined the Faculty of Economics and Business as Professor of Business Information Systems. Before coming to Groningen, Schultze worked at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas for 25 years. She decided to make the move to be closer to family again, but also expected to feel at home in Groningen’s academic environment. She likes her new department Innovation Management and Strategy, for its interdisciplinary approach to research. This interdisciplinary approach is key when focusing on the application of information technology and its implications for work and social life, as Schultze does.
Professor Albert Boonstra

Can digitization bridge the healthcare gap?

Date:13 April 2023
Currently, about 16% of the workforce in the Netherlands works in healthcare. These include doctors, nurses, caregivers, and therapists. Together, they provide care in the form of hospital care, mental health care, nursing care, home care, care for disabled people, and youth care. In 2023, the total demand for care is expected to be around 100 billion euros. Experts expect this demand to increase sharply in the coming years. This is due to an aging population, more chronically ill people, and new medical options.
PhD candidate Kyra van Hinsberg

Diversity does not automatically lead to inclusion: how can organizations improve their policies?

Date:04 April 2023
Kyra van Hinsberg, a PhD candidate at FEB, researches the experiences of women in senior management positions. In this blog, she will explain how focusing on diversity without considering inclusion can inhibit positive outcomes of diversity policies and will provide some pointers for how organizations can improve the effectiveness of their diversity practices.
Professor Sjoerd Beugelsdijk and associate professor Mariko Klasing

New insights into the deep cultural roots of entrepreneurship

Date:13 March 2023
Second-generation immigrants are more likely to become entrepreneurs if their parents originate from countries characterized by a strong entrepreneurial culture than second-generation immigrants whose parents stem from countries characterized by a weak entrepreneurial culture. This is what new research by Johannes Kleinhempel, Mariko J. Klasing and Sjoerd Beugelsdijk argues. Their study was recently published in Organization Science. In this blog, the authors will give a summary of their most important findings.
Professor Bob Fennis (photo Henk Veenstra)

Watch out for invisible influencing!

Date:08 February 2023

Whether you talk to someone in the street, read the newspaper, or scroll through Instagram, you are constantly being influenced. These influences affect our opinions and behaviour even when we are blissfully unaware. So why are we so easily influenced? And...

Professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands

A-listed companies make progress in climate reporting, but improvements are needed

Date:04 February 2023
Recently, professor Nancy Kamp-Roelands, along with co-researcher Marcus Looijenga (Partner ESG at PwC and former lecturer at the University of Groningen), presented the results of their research into 75 Dutch, listed companies regarding climate related information in their annual report. As it turns out, significant progress has been made, however improvements are needed to meet the European regulations.
Machiel Mulder

‘Only lowering the emissions cap will force an energy transition’

Date:10 January 2023
If you trade in your petrol-fuelled car for an electric one and put solar panels on your roof, you will be helping to limit CO2 emissions. Won’t you? Yes and no. ‘An electric car does help, but solar panels don’t’, says Professor of Energy Economics Machiel Mulder. To clarify how this works, he wrote the book Energietransitie: Eerst snappen, dan doen [‘Energy Transition: First understand, then act’].
Professor Gerard van den Berg

Long-run effects of unemployment training programmes: 5% higher earnings

Date:15 December 2022
Recently, professor Gerard van den Berg and professor Johan Vikström (IFAU Institute and University of Uppsala, Sweden), published an article in Econometrica. The journal belongs to the top 5 of economics journals worldwide and publishes on a range of economic and econometric subjects.
Mitchell van den Adel (left), Dirk Pieter van Donk and Thom de Vries

External collaboration in complex situations: effective when combined with strong internal integration

Date:14 December 2022
Teams perform better when they collaborate and actively share information with other external teams outside their own organization. External collaboration enables teams to share best-practices and get access to original (external) ideas that can lead to creative solutions and innovation. This is primarily important when teams work on complex projects or deal with complex situations. At the same time, it is very difficult to organize external collaboration well when the teams involved deal with complex work situations. During such complex situations, team members are generally very busy, which puts the external collaboration under pressure. This could lead to teams not paying enough attention to external collaboration or not having time for it altogether, regardless of how important it might be. An important question is thus how teams can effectively organize external collaboration in complex (work) situations. Mitchell van den Adel, Thom de Vries, and Dirk Pieter van Donk examined this issue. In this blog article, they will give a summary of the most important findings.