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Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Buying political influence

Date:05 August 2019

What is the difference between lobbying and buying influence? Since 2002, it has been legal in the United Kingdom for sitting politicians to hold board positions at private companies, and serve on committees or propose legislation that could directly...

Felix Eggers is associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen.

How to measure wellbeing in the digital age

Date:23 July 2019

It’s a happy day for Felix Eggers: years of research has come to fruition with research results published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

PASSPARTOOL: Key tools to assess and improve soft innovation policies

Date:22 July 2019

Thijs Broekhuizen, Erzsi Meerstra-de Haan, and Florian Noseleit are to take part in the PASSPARTOOL initiative to assess and improve soft innovation policies. This 30-month project, funded by Interreg Europe (total sum: €1.6M, sum UG: €124K), aims to...

Econ 050 is a podcast made in partnership between the Faculty of Economics and Business and The Northern Times.

Econ 050: how can internationals be integrated into the workforce?

Date:12 July 2019

There are thousands of internationals living in Groningen, Drenthe and Friesland, many of whom came to the region for their careers. How can they be fully integrated into the economic life of the northern Netherlands?

Zora, a robot used in healthcare settings made by Belgian company ZoraBots.

Teaching robots to speak Gronings: an elderly care experiment

Date:11 July 2019

Are elderly people more comfortable with technology if it speaks their language? That's the question Professor Jenny van Doorn will examine in a new project awarded €50,000 in funding from the Idea Generator programme of the Dutch National Research Agenda...

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Self-employment can be good for your health

Date:09 July 2019

Despite long working hours and high work pressure, entrepreneurs and the self-employed frequently boast high job satisfaction, Milena Nikolova writes in an article about her research for Washington-based non-profit organisation The Brookings Institution.

World-beating results for economics, business and management in Shanghai Ranking

Date:05 July 2019

The University of Groningen has climbed close to the top of world rankings in Economics, Business Administration and Management, demonstrating the strength of the Faculty of Economics and Business in education globally.

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Green hydrogen

Date:28 June 2019

Natural gas has been the Netherlands’ blessing and Groningen’s curse in recent decades. Even as quotas are reduced ever further, earthquakes induced by natural gas extraction continue to jolt the province on a nearly daily basis. But the country and the...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Vaccines and the costs of (in)action

Date:15 June 2019

Measles were effectively eradicated in much of the western world decades ago, yet the potentially fatal disease has made a fierce comeback in America and Europe due to growing anti-vaccination movements. What are the health costs of enforcing sufficient...

Econ 050 is a podcast on the economics and business topics that matter to the Netherlands and the wider world, made by the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Northern Times.

Econ 050: Groningen - the Dutch Silicon Valley?

Date:04 June 2019

What will the northern Netherlands look like in the future? Will it become the next Silicon Valley – and is that something we actually want to become? The tech industry is one of the region’s growing strong suits, but what does that really mean for job...