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Services and support

University of Groningen services and support

Dual Career Support

The Dual Career Support service is offered by the University of Groningen in order to assist partners or spouses of new academic staff with finding employment, an internship, voluntary work or study opportunities.

Dual Career Support does not guarantee results, since the chances of finding a job depend on individual characteristics and the local job market. We organize meetings in which we help you acquire information about the local job market and effective ways to approach it, and expand your network. You can make use of the Dual Career Support service for two years.

HR Information Desk

The HR Information Desk aims to inform international staff members about getting settled in the Netherlands and to offer practical assistance related to HR matters.

Immigration Service Desk

The Immigration Service Desk applies for (MVV) visas and residence permits of all prospective and current staff (and family members) of the University of Groningen.

Language Centre

The UG Language Centre provides standard and tailor-made individual lessons and group courses in various languages, including Dutch for University of Groningen students and staff.

Other services and support

International Welcome Center North

The International Welcome Center North is a cooperation between the Municipality of Groningen, the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), the University of Groningen, and Connect International. INWCN offers services in three areas: government formalities (residence permits and municipal registration), practical information and referrals to reliable service providers and social activities. For some services a fee is charged.

Last modified:03 July 2024 4.00 p.m.