Dr.ir. W. (Warse) Klingenberg

Warse Klingenberg passed away December 2nd, 2013. He was associate professor at the department of Operations since 2005. He was a chairman of NVDO (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Doelmatig Onderhoud) Kring Groningen-Drenthe and chairman of the Lean Management Network FME-CWM.
Teaching activities
Asset Management, Production Organisation & Control, Technologie en Organisatie, Supervision of MSc dissertations
Research interests
the life-cycle management of capital-intensive assets, in particular maintenance and performance optimization (including e.g. condition-based maintenance and reliability engineering). Recent and current activities include the NWO project “Multi-Party Risk Management and Key Performance Indicator Design at the Whole System Level” and the DINALOG project “Coordinated Advance Maintenance and Logistics planning for the process industries”, as well as a number of other research projects, mostly with industrial and academic partners. Sector emphasis is predominantly on Energy/Gas Infrastructure.
Warse Klingenberg was a member of the editorial board/ reviewing committee of the International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture and guest editor of a current special issue of the journal Computers & Industrial Engineering.
Working papers
- B. de Jonge, W. Klingenberg, R.H. Teunter, T. Tinga, Cost-effective Condition-based maintenance in a multi-unit setting
- B. de Jonge, W. Klingenberg, R.H. Teunter, T. Tinga, Reducing maintenance costs by admitting to uncertainty
Journal publications
- J. Veldman, W. Klingenberg, G.J.C. Gaalman, R.H. Teunter, Getting what you pay for - strategic process improvement compensation and profitability impact, Production and Operations Management, accepted for publication
- J. Koochaki, J.A.C. Bokhorst, J.C. Wortmann, W. Klingenberg, The influence of condition-based maintenance on maintenance scheduling and workforce planning, International Journal of Production Research, 51(8), 2013, 2339-2351
- A.J.J. Braaksma, W. Klingenberg, J. Veldman, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in asset maintenance: a multiple case study in the process industry, International Journal of Production Research, 51(4), 2013, 1055-1071
- J. Koochaki, J.A.C. Bokhorst, J. Wortmann, W. Klingenberg, Condition based maintenance in the context of opportunistic maintenance, International Journal of Production Research, 50(23), 2012, 6918-6929
- J. Veldman, J.C. Wortmann, W. Klingenberg, Typology of condition based maintenance, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(2), 2011, 183-202. (Highly Commended Paper Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2012)
- A.J.J. Braaksma, A.J. Meesters, W. Klingenberg, C. Hicks, A quantitative method for Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, International Journal of Production Research, 50(23), 2012, 6904-6917
- J. Koochaki, J.A.C. Bokhorst, J. Wortmann, W. Klingenberg, Evaluating condition based maintenance effectiveness for two processes in series, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(4), 2011, 398-414
- J. Veldman, W. Klingenberg, J.C. Wortmann, Managing condition based maintenance technology: a multiple case study in the process industry, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 17(1), 2011, 40-62
- A.J.J. Braaksma, W. Klingenberg, P.W.H.M. van Exel, A review of the use of asset information standards for collaboration in the process industry, Computers in Industry, 62 (3), 2011,337-350
- W. Klingenberg, C. Hicks, Pervasive use of the lean principles in production, services and product development, International Journal of Technology Management, 57(1/2/3), 2012, 1-3
- W. Klingenberg, J.D. Boksma, A conceptual framework for outsourcing of materials handling in automotive: differentiation and implementation, International Journal of Production Research, 48 (16), 2010, 4877-4899
- J. Riezebos, W. Klingenberg, C. Hicks, Lean production and Information Technology: connection or contradiction?, Computers in Industry, 60(4), 2009, 237-247
- J. Veldman, W. Klingenberg, Applicability of the Capability Maturity Model for Engineer-to-Order Firms, International Journal of Technology Management, 48(2), 2009, 219-239
- J. Riezebos, W. Klingenberg, Advancing lean manufacturing, the role of IT, Computers in Industry, 60(4), 2009, 235-236
- C. Hicks, W. Klingenberg, Product and asset life cycle management in engineer-to-order industries, International Journal of Technology Management, 48(2), 2009, 137-139
- W. Klingenberg, T.W. de Boer, Condition-based maintenance of punching/blanking of sheet metal, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48(5), 2008, 589-598
- T.W. de Boer, W. Klingenberg, Architecture for a neural expert system for condition-based maintenance of blanking, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 32(4), 2008, 447-459
- A.H. Streppel, W. Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, Advances in sheet metal forming applications, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48(5), 2008, 483-484
- A.H. Streppel, W. Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, Design Control and Maintenance of Sheet Metal Forming Processes, International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 32(4), 2008, 343-345
- W. Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, Further observations and review of numerical simulations of sheet metal punching, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 30, 2006, 683-644
- W. Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, 2005, Design and optimisation of punching/blanking systems aided by experimental modelling, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 39(1/2), 2005, 125-139
- W . Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, Comparison of two analytical models of blanking and proposal of a new model, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45 (4/5), 2005, 519-527
- W. Klingenberg, U.P. Singh, Finite Element simulation of the punching/blanking process using in-process identification of mild steel, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 134, 2003, p.p. 296-302
- U.P. Singh, W. Klingenberg, W. Urquhart, 1994, Effect of Tool Geometry on Punching Performance, Journal of Engineering for Industry - Transactions ASME, Vol. 116, Nov. 1994, pp. 508-513
Conference papers and presentations
- De Jonge, B., Klingenberg, W., Teunter, R.H., Bokhorst, J.A.C., Tinga, T., Clustering Condition-based maintenance with a small number of deterioration states, 4th Production & Oprations Management World Conference, Amsterdam, 2012.
- De Jonge, B., Klingenberg, W., Teunter, R.H., Tinga, T., The optimal preventive maintenance age under uncertainty in the parameters of the lifetime distribution, 4th Production & Oprations Management World Conference, Amsterdam, 2012.
- Hicks, C., Brolsma, J., Klingenberg, W., The integration of Material Requirements Planning approaches with Lean Peoduction, In: 21st International Conference on Production Research: Innovation in Product and Production. Stuttgart, Germany, 2011.
- Braaksma, J., Medema, L., Klingenberg, W., Hicks, C., A quantitative approach to failure of assets, Proceedings of the 16th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 1, 2010, 27-39.
- Braaksma, J., Klingenberg W., A review of asset information standards in the process industry, Proceedings of the 15th International Annual Euroma Conference, 2008.
- Veldman, J., Wortmann, J.C., Klingenberg, W.,Typology of condition based maintenance: analysis and case study, Proceedings of the 15th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, 4, 2008, 237-248.
- Veldman, J., Klingenberg, W., 2006, Development of a process maturity model for multiple engineering, procurement, construction and maintenance projects in oil and gas asset management, Pre-prints of the Fourteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 20-24, 2006, Innsbruck, Austria, Vol. 3, 349-358.
- Klingenberg, W., Boer, T. de, 2005, Analysis of the application of in-process control principles in punching/blanking of sheet metal, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in the 21st Century, Nagoya, Japan, 2005
- Klingenberg, W., 2004, Principles for on-line monitoring of tool wear during sheet metal punching, In: S. Hindusa (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th International MATADOR (MTDR) Conference, Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 169-174.
- Slomp J., Klingenberg, W., 2004, A Proposal to use Artificial Neural Networks for Process Control of Punching/Blanking Operations, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing (Toronto, Canada), Vol.1: Flexible Automation, pp.556-562.
- Klingenberg, W., Singh, U.P., Urquhart, W., 2002, Numerical simulation of the punching/blanking process, In: Proc. 7th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Yokohama, Japan, 2002, pp. 907-914.
- Klingenberg, W., Singh, U.P., Urquhart, W., 2000, Finite Element Modelling of the punching/blanking process using in-process identification of mild steel material, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sheet Metal, University of Central England in Birmingham, April 2000.
- Vin, L.J. de, Klingenberg, W., Singh, U.P., 1996, Air Bending of Sheet with Large Radii, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sheet Metal, University of Twente, April 1996.
- Klingenberg, W., Singh, U.P., Urquhart, W., 1994, A Finite Element Simulation of Free Bending, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sheet Metal, University of Ulster, April 1994, pp 201-211.
- Klingenberg, W., Singh, U.P., Urquhart, W., 1994, A Finite Element Aided Sensitivity Analysis of the Free Bending of a Drawing Quality Steel, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sheet Metal, University of Ulster, April 1994, pp 41-48.
- Singh, U.P., Klingenberg, W., Urquhart, W., 1993, Selection of Press Tools For Punching Operations, Proceedings of the 26th ISATA Conference, Aachen, Germany, 1993, p.p. 425-433.
Last modified: | 15 January 2020 1.47 p.m. |