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Pandemic-Related Innovation: Don't Leave It to Markets

Datum:28 april 2020
Assistant professor Pedro de Faria, professor Bart Los and assistant professor Florian Noseleit explain that pandemic-related innovation cannot be left to markets.
Assistant professor Pedro de Faria, professor Bart Los and assistant professor Florian Noseleit explain that pandemic-related innovation cannot be left to markets.

The Covid-19 crisis has put unprecedented pressure on health systems around the world. Curbing the effects of the virus requires a massive use of complex products, such as ventilators and testing equipment. Past large investments in science and R&D have led to inventions that enable hospitals to now use these indispensable products. Still, supply of products like these has proven insufficient to meet the enormous pandemic-induced demand. Consequently, governments are grappling to find solutions to avoid a breakdown of their healthcare infrastructure.

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