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Asking the right questions: Overcoming social barriers to innovation

Datum:28 januari 2021
Asking the right questions: Overcoming social barriers to innovation
Asking the right questions: Overcoming social barriers to innovation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to disrupt many industries. It is also heralded as a possible game-changer in accelerating the energy transition, which in light of sea-level rise and climate change is of paramount interest to society.

Blockchain technology and the smart grid could revolutionize how energy is traded. The internet of things and machine learning algorithms could improve load balancing of a grid with an increasing share of sustainable but fickle renewable energy sources. AI innovations like these carry considerable promise. 

Yet, many innovations fail to be implemented. Of those that do make it, only very few make it at scale. All too often, social resistance to change can impede the implementation of technical innovations. In a recent talk for the NL AI Coalitie, Assistant Professor of Change Management and Sustainability BjÓ§rn Mitzinneck shares social science insights into these problems. He points out the important questions to ask yourself to anticipate and resolve social barriers to innovation implementation.

You can watch the full video here.  

Dr. B.C. Mitzinneck

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