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About us FEB About us Departments Accounting and Auditing

Praktijkopleiding NBA

Current | spots available for trainees
In the past three months, we have again guided a group with their practical thesis, at the Accounting & Auditing department. All six trainees passed, congratulations!

In September, we offer supervision again and in this group we still have room for new trainees. So if you still need to write your practical thesis as a conclusion of your programme, you can apply via the link on this page. If you cannot make it in September, new groups will start in January and April 2025.

Practical thesis (‘Referaat begeleiding’)

As an aspiring accountant, you will complete your practical educational programme (‘praktijkopleiding NBA’) with a course in which a dilemma from your own practical experience is central. We offer you specific and practical guidance in the successful realisation and defence of this practical thesis. Our colleagues have extensive experience in the profession and in guiding students in writing papers and theses.

For more information about the programme and your possibilities to start with the programme, please contact us via:

  • E:
  • T: 050-3633768

You can read more about the programme in our brochure or register directly (no later than 1 month before the start of the course).

Integrated final oral exam

After completing the practical thesis, one important step remains: the integrated final oral exam. You register for this exam at the NBA. If you prefer taking this exam at the department of Accounting and Auditing of the University of Groningen, you can indicate this. One of the examiners will then be a lecturer from our department and the location can be our premises in Groningen.

Permanent Education (‘PE-onderwijs’)

The department of Accounting and Auditing provides various courses in the field of permanent education for accountants and controllers. For more information, please go to the website of University of Groningen Business School (UGBS).

Last modified:17 June 2024 10.59 a.m.
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