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Bolashak International Scholarship

Selection criteria

Purposes:Master programme, Ph.D.
Countries of Origin:Kazakhstan

Additional information

Eligible candidates:

have to comply with the following conditions:

  • availability of an unconditional invitation (with the exception of financial conditions) from a foreign university included in the List of Recommended Universities;
  • availability of a certificate of passing the state language exam with a score of at least B1 level;
  • for training in Master's and Doctoral programmes the average score of the Bachelor’s or Master's diploma or a transcript of current academic performance corresponds to a score of at least 3.0 out of 4.0/4.33;
  • mandatory return of the winner of the competition to the Republic of Kazakhstan after the completion of academic studies abroad and the implementation of continuous labor activity for a period of 3 years.
Grant information:

The international scholarship Bolashak was established on November 5, 1993 by the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev. The goal of the program is to train personnel and specialists for priority sectors of the country's economy.

Determination of the size of this international scholarship is done by country cost rates.

Grant provider:

By the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 4, 2005 No. 301, a joint-stock company "Center for International Programs" was created with 100% state participation in the authorized capital.

Available positions:

Not mentioned. In 2005, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev announced the need to annually provide 3,000 young and talented Kazakhstanis with the opportunity to study in the world's leading educational institutions.

Up till now 13976 scholarships were awarded.


not mentioned, please enquire yourself

  • Step 1 Meet requirements
  • Step 2 Collect a package of documents
  • Step 3 Submit documents within the specified time frame via the Electronic Government Portal
  • Step 4 Pass a competitive selection from 3 rounds:
    • Round 1 - Complex testing;
    • Round 2 - Personal interview with NEC members;
    • Round 3 - meeting of the Republican Commission on Personnel Training Abroad.
  • Step 5 After the scholarship is awarded, the scholarship holder or his/her authorized representative must, within 90 calendar days from the date of awarding the scholarship, contact the Legal Department of Center for International Programs JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and conclude an agreement on the organization of training with the Company, as well as a guarantee agreement. In case of failure to conclude contracts on time, the scholarship holder is deprived of the status of the holder of the international scholarship "Bolashak".

More information: Bolashak International Scholarship email: info
Last modified:04 February 2025 11.21 a.m.