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Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) Travel Grants

Selection criteria

Countries of Origin:All

Additional information

Eligible candidates:
  • must currently pursue an experimental project in basic Biomedical Research aimed at elucidating basic biological phenomena of human life and acquiring new scientific knowledge;
  • who have applied for a PhD project abroad, but who have not yet worked with their potential PhD supervisor (hereafter called PhD candidates);
  • are European citizens working in Europe and overseas, and to non-European citizens who perform their MD, PhD or postdoctoral project in Europe, or will use the travel grant to work in Europe.
Grant information:

Purposes: for PhD students who conduct experimental projects in basic Biomedical Research and want to pursue short-term research stays or attend practical courses relevant to their projects in Europe or overseas

BIF travel grants are awarded for research stays of up to 3 months.

They support junior scientists who want to learn clearly-defined methods useful for their ongoing research and their current laboratory by

  • visiting another laboratory;
  • attending research-orientated courses with the practical part making up at least 50 % of the course.

They can also be used by PhD candidates and their potential supervisors to evaluate the scientific and personal fit before the start of a PhD project in another country by funding a research stay of 1 to 3 months in the supervisor’s laboratory.

Grant provider:

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF): a public foundation – an independent, non-profit organization for the exclusive and direct promotion of basic research in biomedicine.

Available positions:



Applications must be submitted to BIF the latest 2 weeks but no earlier than six months prior to the planned date of departure.


The application for a travel grant of BIF consists of 2 parts:

  • an application form on our online portal (link at end of this page);
  • a PDF containing the respective documents outlined below to be submitted via the online portal.

Applications for a BIF travel grant are selected according to these criteria:

  • applicant's achievements to date (e.g. grades);
  • originality of the current and planned research projects;
  • scientific standard of the laboratories in which the applicant is presently working and

where he/she is planning to work;

  • relevance of the research stay to the applicant's current research project and his/her current laboratory.
More information:; Tel. +49 (0)6131 2750 80 – E-mail: secretariat(at)
Last modified:13 July 2023 11.36 a.m.