PhD Student organizations
The following PhD student organizations are active in Groningen:

GOPHER (Groningen Organization for PhD Education and Recreation) is the PhD organization of the University of Groningen. We help PhD students to develop themselves, to network and to get to know fellow PhD students through educational and recreational events. Every PhD student is welcome to participate in GOPHER’s events and to suggest and organize new events. If you wish to get involved or just join the events, please contact the GOPHER board or join the GOPHER Facebook group for more information. If you are a new PhD student at the University of Groningen, you can find additional practical information on our website .
- All upcoming GOPHER Events for PhD students.

PhD Day Committee : Each year the PhD Day committee organizes the annual PhD Day event. Keynote lectures from prominent scholars and a PhD career fair highlight this fun and interactive event. For more information on how to become a member of the PhD Day committee, please visit their website.

MindMint is the official science communication platform of the University of Groningen where PhD students can showcase their research and share their experiences as up-and-coming scientists. We are always looking for new content creators. We provide feedback and professional editing services throughout the process and we help you improve your scientific outreach.

The Groningen Graduate Interest Network (GRIN) represents and defends the interests of all PhDs of the University of Groningen. GRIN facilitates a dialogue on policy between representatives of the university, such as the Groningen Graduate School, and representatives of PhDs, such as the PhD councils and PhDs active in co-governance.
GRIN empowers PhD councils and PhD students to function at their best. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, by sending an email to or find more information on our website
PhD Councils : Some faculties and Graduate Schools have PhD councils which represent the interests of the PhD students of that faculty or Graduate School. They can also help you with specific questions and problems. Please feel free to contact them and get involved as a PhD student!
Last modified: | 31 May 2022 09.17 a.m. |