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Education Online Teaching for staff Tools Video in education Create knowledge clips


In a knowledge clip you transfer information through a mix of image, sound and text. The American researcher Richard Mayer published 12 'Multimedia Principles' in 2001 - it is useful advice to help you create effective videos.

  • Alignment

Align the content of the videos with the learning objectives, assignments and other activities in the course.

Scripts will help you in producing better videos and make more efficient use of valuable studio time.

The person watching your video must process image and sound. By adjusting your wording, in some cases, you can better convey your message.

Preferably wear plain clothing; no green clothing when using the green screen. [coming soon: a sample video].

In principle, if you want to use a work in your video, you need permission from the owner. However, there are also exceptions.

  • Literature

There are many online articles about the effective use of knowledge clips. Below are some useful links:

Gives tips based on the Cognitive Load Theory (see also Richard Mayer), and describes four aspects when making effective videos:

  1. Signal - visual / textual marking of information
  2. Segment: divide information into small pieces
  3. Restrict: remove everything that is superfluous and distracting
  4. Match modalities: use the right (combination of) visual and auditory channels for effective use of the human working memory.

Contains an overview of recent developments, a classification of various forms of educational videos and the results of literature research into the effectiveness of video.

Last modified:08 October 2020 08.29 a.m.
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