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Bachelor's programme set-up

The first year

The first year of your bachelor's programme is the propaedeutic phase. It constitutes the beginning of your degree, and has a introductory and selecting character. The compulsory programme is designed in such a way that you have the possibility to explore your programme. In this way you will construct a picture of the rest of the degree, as well as the many possibilities offered by the University of Groningen. For instance elective courses, specializations and education opportunities abroad. Some degrees also offer the possibility to switch to a different programme.

The University of Groningen gives first year students a binding study advice. This means that a first year student has to earn at least three-quarter of their ECTS in the first year: forty-five out of sixty, otherwise they have to discontinue their degree. 

The second and third year; major and minor

In the second year you will continue with your bachelor's degree. Most degrees are split in two parts: the major (your actual degree) and a minor. The major is a two-and-a-half-year course, or 150 ECTS. The minor exists to widen your choices, and to broaden the boundaries of your degree. The minor consists of half a study year of 30 ECTS which you can take in a different field. Most degrees have the minor in the first semester of your third year. Because the degrees have their minors in the same semester it is possible to follow a minor in a different field.

When you have successfully completed all parts of your bachelor's degree, you will receive your Bachelor's Degree. Titles like Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) are linked to that. After this you can start with the next phase of your university education, the master's degree.

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Last modified:18 March 2019 09.07 a.m.