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Education Frequently asked questions Student life Studying abroad

Financial aspects

  • How much does it cost to participate in an exchange programme?

    The costs of an exchange depend on the country you go to. The cost of travel to a particular country may be high, but on the other hand the accommodation expenses may be lower. When drawing up a budget, you should bear in mind the following items: travel expenses, accommodation expenses, insurance and study articles. The Nuffic website will give you more information about these budget items and the amounts per country.
  • How can I finance a study or internship abroad?

  • Do I have to pay tuition fees when I study at a foreign university?

    In the case of an exchange programme, you can only participate if you are enrolled at the University of Groningen and have paid your tuition fees. Then you do not have to pay tuition fees to the foreign university. If you attend a foreign university as a regular student, you will probably have to pay tuition fees.
  • How can I apply for a grant for an exchange programme?

    Apply for an exchange grant with your faculty's International Office.
  • I have applied for an exchange grant. When will I know that it has been awarded?

    If you would like to study at a foreign university through an exchange programme, you will have to take part in a selection round. The application procedure and the deadlines differ per faculty. If you are admitted to the exchange programme, you will receive the associated grant. This grant will not be definitively allocated until you have satisfied a number of conditions (e.g. gaining a certain number of credits). The website of your faculty’s International Office will provide more information about the application procedure, the deadlines and the conditions.
  • I need a letter of recommendation from a student counsellor to apply for a grant from a private fund. How can I obtain one?

    Make online an appointment with a student counsellor of the Student Service Centre. Among other things, the student counsellor will discuss the relevance of the period abroad for your degree programme and your budget. The student counsellor needs several documents to make an assessment.
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