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Education Frequently asked questions Admission, registration and deregistration Tuition fees Payment of tuition fees

For which date do I have to pay the tuition fees?

Pay the tuition fees or arrange a (digital) direct debit payment before the start date of your degree programme.

For example:
  • Start date 1 September: the university must have received your payment no later than 31 August*.
  • Start date 1 February: the university must have received your payment no later than 31 January*.
Please note:
An academic year runs from 1 September to 31 August.
  • If you start on 1 September, you pay (initially) for twelve months.
  • If you start on 1 February, you pay for the period from February to August (seven months). If you continue with your degree programme as of 1 September, you will pay again from 1 September to 31 August.

If you deregister, you may be entitled to a refund of (part of) the tuition fees.

* For non-EU students, other deadlines may apply due to immigration procedure.

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