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Education Frequently asked questions Admission, registration and deregistration Tuition fees Payment of tuition fees

Can I pay my tuition fees via Tikkie?

Only if you have signed a direct debit mandate but the payment has failed.

What is Tikkie?

Tikkie is a ABN AMRO app you can use to make a payment using iDEAL via SMS, for example. Go to the Tikkie website for more information.

You can pay using Tikkie if you satisfy the following conditions:

  • You have a Dutch bank account
  • You have a smartphone
  • The UG knows your Dutch mobile number
  • You have issued an authorization to pay in one time. (It is then possible to pay in advance with Tikkie.)
  • You have signed a direct debit mandate but the payment failed

How does Tikkie work?

  • You are sent an SMS with a payment link.
  • Click on the link and pay part or all of the tuition fees via the iDEAL environment.

Why would I want to pay via Tikkie?

Via Tikkie you can pay the tuition fees in a quick and simple way. This can be done prior to the new academic year or you can rectify a failed payment. This has the advantage that your UG account will not be blocked if you pay immediately.

However, you are not obliged to pay via Tikkie.

How to inform the UG of your mobile number?

You can let the UG know your mobile number via Studielink.

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