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Education Programmes Minor programmes

Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

I am a master student. Can I follow a minor?
No, only (WO) bachelor's students can follow a minor at the University of Groningen. However, you can take part in the Teaching TrainerModule after completing your master; this is the same program as the Educational Minor, but for students that have already completed a bachelor or master program.

I am currently waiting for my medical clerkship. Can I follow a minor in the meantime?
You need to be enrolled as a bachelor's student at the University of Groningen to be able to attend lectures. This means that you can follow a minor package in your waiting period, under the condition that you are enrolled as a bachelor student.

I study at another university in the Netherlands. Can I follow a minor at the RUG?
Yes, that is certainly possible. You will have to register as a subsidiary course student. See for the registration procedure: Registration as subsidiary course student.

The advice is to register before the 15th of April. If you have questions, please send an email to minor

Can I follow a University minor at my own faculty?
A University Minor Package is intended to provide you with insights into a completely different field of science. For this reason, you follow a University Minor package at another faculty. However, some faculties are so large that programs are very different from each other, in which case you could also follow a University Minor package within your own faculty. Make sure to discuss with your study advisor which University Minor packages you can follow within your own faculty.

I am following a higher vocational education programme at a university of applied sciences (“hbo-opleiding”). Can I take a minor programme at the UG?
No, unfortunately this is not possible. Only students following a scientific bachelor's programme at a research university can take part in minor programmes at the UG.

I have no minor space in my bachelor’s programme. Can I take a minor programma anyway?
If your bachelor's programme does not offer a minor space, you can take a minor on an extracurricular basis. Please note that this means a considerable increase of your workload. Therefore, you should discuss this with your study advisor in advance.

Permission of the Board of Examination

Do I need to request permission from my study program to follow a University Minor package at another faculty?
If your study program allows you to follow a university minor package in the minor room (see schedule), you do not need to request additional permission.

Besides following a minor, I also want to do a resit for a course from my own study program. Is this possible?
You need to decide for yourself whether you think this is feasible or not. In addition, you must take into account any overlap that may exist in regard to the examination dates. Contact your study advisor if you are unsure about the feasibility of your schedule.

Register/deregister for a minor

Until when can I register for a minor package?
You can register for the University Minor Packages until July 5. For the Faculty minor and personal minor, this deadline differs per faculty. You can register for the Teaching Trainer Minor until June 1.

Can I register for multiple university minor packages?
You can register for a maximum of 30 EC. It is possible to register for 2 minor packages, provided they both consist of 15 EC. If you are in doubt about your choice, you can withdraw your registration and apply for another minor package.

I am a UG student and want to take a minor programme at another university. How do I register at another university?
For questions about enrolling at other universities, please contact the university in question. The UG can only provide information about its own minor programmes and registration procedures.

Minor not fully completed

I am not able to follow the last courses of my minor package. Can I take these last courses next year?
The credits that you have earned remain. You can consider to obtain the rest of the points in the next Academic year. Please note: make sure to consult with the coordinator of the minor package and your study advisor, because it cannot always be guaranteed that a minor package will be offered in the following Academic year.

I haven’t been able to obtain the last credits of my minor. However, I would still like to graduate this year. Is there a solution to this problem?
In consultation with the study advisor of your study program, you can have a university or faculty minor converted into a personal minor. You must then follow one or more other courses in the same year for replacement.


I have completed a University Minor. Can I receive a certificate or a transcript of records?
The RUG does not hand out minor certificates. The details about the way you filled in your minor space will be included in the diploma supplement of your bachelor's degree. If you are a student from outside the University of Groningen, you can request a certified copy of your transcript from the faculty's education administration.

Last modified:29 April 2024 11.51 a.m.
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