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Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business

Symposium Challenges for Networked Health Organizations and Professionals

When:Tu 01-10-2024 13:30 - 17:15
Where:Anda Kerkhoven Centre (AKC), UMCG, room number: 3227.0015

On Tuesday afternoon October 1, the Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business (CPHEB) will host a symposium on the theme ' Challenges for Networked Health Organizations and Professionals: towards a research agenda' with external and internal speakers. 


13:30 Doors open
14:00-14:10 Opening comments – Huib Cense (FEB/UMCG)
14:10-14:40:  Michael Fröhlke (FEB): “Oncological care concentration: Managing cooperation and competition in healthcare supply networks”
14:40-15:10: Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort Schuit (UMCG): “What has been done to advance networks in healthcare?”
15:10-15:40: Schelto Kruiff (UMCG): “Why do we need stronger networks in healthcare?
15:40-16:00: Break
16:00-16:30: Rob Tollenaar (LUMC): “How do we deal with challenges to implementing networks?”
16:30-17:00: Panel discussion: building a research agenda
17:00-17:10: Closing thoughts 

Would you like to attend? Please register via the registration form.

Download a map to the location of the sympsium: the Anda Kerkhoven Centre (AKC).

View the flyer below for more information about the symposium and the speakers.

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