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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Dutch and English courses at the Language Centre

12 March 2020
New courses online

The Language Centre of the UG will offer new language courses in English and Dutch as of April. Do you want to improve your language skills? Register online now!

Dutch group courses for PhDs' en postdocs

PhDs' and postdocs of the University of Groningen are being offered Dutch courses at the Language Centre by the Board of the University of Groningen. This rule applies to the following Dutch courses:

Dutch group courses for other UG staff members

As a UG staff member you can register for one of the following Dutch courses.

English group courses

We offer English group courses at eight different levels, for beginners to advanced learners.

Corporate Academy

Would you like to know what other courses you can follow as a University of Groningen staff member? Visit the Corporate Academy: one platform for all courses.
Last modified:16 May 2024 11.24 a.m.
View this page in: Nederlands

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