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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Training course inclusive leadership

This is how you create a diverse and successful team

We are all different from each other. As manager, you want to create a team that achieves the best results. A team in which the input of each member is acknowledged and valued. A team that is creative and innovative. You can achieve this by ensuring that team members complement each other in terms of characteristics and skills. This is because diverse teams perform better. But how do you bring together such an inclusive team? The one-day training course in inclusive leadership will provide you with insights that will show you how to do it.


During the training course, you will begin developing your own inclusive leadership style. The training course consists of sharing information, engaging in a dialogue, and practising real-world examples.


  • Social and cultural awareness
  • Communication skills
  • Self-reflection

After this training course:

  • You will have obtained insights into the added value of a diverse and inclusive team.
  • You will know how to create a diverse and inclusive team as a manager.
  • You will have the ability to steer a team of diverse staff members towards a shared goal.
  • You will be confident in your ability to apply your own leadership style.
  • You will be able to direct the differences among team members towards creating a more effective collaboration.

Past participants have particularly valued the following components of the training course:

  • Theoretical background
  • Stories about inclusion and exclusion
  • Exchanging experiences between participants
  • Discussing dilemmas
  • Practising conversations with actors

Past participants awarded this training programme an average mark of 8.5.

More information


October 2, 2024 from 9am - 5pm


De Lichtkoepel
Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat 42
9712 EL Groningen


Managers of academic and support staff

Group size

Maximum of 12 participants

Language of instruction

Dutch or English




Marline Williams of Talent to the Top

More information

Note that there is no Dutch-taught training. You can only register for the English training.

Last modified:15 July 2024 11.11 a.m.
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