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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Strengthen your management skills

In-depth leadership development

How do I motivate my staff? How can I get them on board with changes? How do I hold ‘breaking bad news’ meetings? How do I cope with conflicts in the team? A lot is demanded from managers: they are expected to create a vision, to lead a team, and to have well-developed social and communication skills. The four-day ‘Being a manager within the University’ leadership programme will teach you how you can effectively manage your team and how you can create a climate in which your staff function optimally and in a pleasant way.

Please note that the language of instruction is Dutch.


The training programme aims to teach you as a manager to take more control of your position, to make more impact and to continue to develop in your role. You will find out where your strengths lie and how you can use them, what motivates you, and how you can adapt your leadership style to a specific situation or person in order to achieve the best possible result as a team. Personal leadership lies at the basis of this.


The ‘Being a manager within the University’ training programme consists of a combination of theory and practice, and comprises two blocks. The first block will mainly focus on your personal leadership and management. The second block will focus more on collaboration, the influence of power, and communication skills. After the first two days (block 1), you will be able to apply your new knowledge and skills to your work, and you can use any issues and situations that you encounter as practical examples in block 2. Exchanging such practical examples is an important element of the programme.

✓ result-driven management
✓ coaching
✓ unifying leadership
✓ communication
✓ delegating
✓ persuasiveness

The training programme will be preceded by an intake interview during which your wishes and expectations will be discussed.


On completion of the training programme:
✓ You will know what type of leader you want to be and in which direction you want to take your team.
✓ You will have mastered various different influencing styles and discussion techniques.
✓ You will be able to manage changes and give feedback.
✓ You will know how to inspire your staff.
✓ You will know how to support the personal development of your staff.
✓ You will have brought your leadership qualities to the next level.

Past participants have particularly valued the following components of the training course:
✓ Combination of theory and practice.
✓ Sharing experiences with colleagues.
✓ Training with an actor.
✓ Room for discussing practical situations.

Last year’s participants awarded this training programme an average mark of 8.5.

More information


-four days-
This training has yet to be scheduled. If you are interested in this training, you can send an e-mail to hr-experts in which you express your interest. You will then receive an e-mail when the date for this training is known.


9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


De Coendersborg
Coendershaag 1
Navigatie: Cort van der Lindenlaan 5
9722 LS Groningen


Managers of support staff

Group size

Maximum of 12 participants

Language of instruction


Course fee



Gerard Kosters, Eye Opener


Ruth van der Walle, UG

More information

Ruth van der Walle, trainer at HR Experts

Last modified:05 July 2024 09.32 a.m.
View this page in: Nederlands