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Corporate Academy
Corporate Academy

Media training for academics

Successful publicity impact

Sharing your research results to generate successful impact for a broad public is important. It promotes your research, broadens your network, and can be relevant for securing funding for follow-up research. But how do you go about finding publicity, and via which channels? How can you find the right words? How do you make your field of research understandable? What should you do if you are contacted by journalists? How do you deal with critical questions? How can you keep a handle on the conversation?

During this one-day training course, you will learn how to formulate a brief but powerful message, how to attract media attention, and how to best handle the media, social media, and the responses that you may receive.


After following this training course, you as a researcher will know how to find publicity yourself and what you should do if the media contacts you, as well as how you can ensure that you keep a handle on the discussion.


The training course comprises a theory session (morning) and a practical session (afternoon).

The theory session will be approached through concrete examples that address tips and tricks from journalists, the different angles taken by TV, radio, and the press media, fact-checking, and other topics. In doing so, the following questions will be addressed:

●       What is journalism? What do journalists do and who should I be interested in?
●       How does the media work? How can I capitalize on this?
●       How should I approach the media?
●       What should I do if a journalist contacts me?
●       What are sound bites? How can I embed my message in them?
●       How should I deal with difficult questions?
●       How can the Communication Office support me?

During the practical session, you will practice being interviewed while being recorded on camera. The recordings will then be viewed and discussed, with the following questions in mind:

●       How do you come across?
●       Are you able to convey your message clearly?


In a short time frame, you will learn how to approach the media with greater confidence, how to speak professionally, and how to deal with responses to your publicity. You will practice how to tackle all of this, as well as how to recognize and handle traps and pitfalls, in an enjoyable manner and in a safe setting.

Further information

Thursday 10 October Dutch training
From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Thursday 24 October English training
From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

9am - 5pm

Academy building. Broerstraat 5, 9712 CP Groningen


UG academics and staff members

Group size

A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 participants


Dutch or English

Course fee

€600 (including lunch)


Lejo Siepe, Mediatrainingscentrum Noord-Nederland

More information

Anja Hulshof and Elies Kouwenhoven, UG spokespeople

The training course will only be held if a minimum of four participants is reached. Extra training days may be organized on request and in consultation.

Last modified:17 July 2024 1.52 p.m.
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