Corporate Academy Tasting
During Health Week (7 to 11 October), the Corporate Academy organizes a tasting of various training courses from the range of the Corporate Academy. You are very welcome to visit our workshops on Thursday 10 October. On this page you will find all information about the different workshops. Please sign up if you would like to participate in a workshop. We look forward to seeing you on 10 October!
Van Swinderen Huys | ||||
09:30 - 10:45 | Excel: Pivot tables (NL) | Language workshop Japanese (NL) | Time Management: Your e-mail under control (NL) | Intervision (NL) |
11:00 - 12:15 | Manage your stress (NL) | Seasons in your carreer (NL) | Time Management: The big rocks in your work (EN) | Mentoring (NL/EN) |
Linnaeusborg | ||||
13:30 - 14:45 | Storytelling (EN) | Voice Coaching (NL/EN) | Sparkle when you speak (NL/EN) | Stress Management (EN) |
15:00 - 16:15 | Formative Feedback Loops with Google Forms (EN) | Job Satisfaction (NL) | Excel: tips and tricks (EN) | Dealing with aggressive and unacceptable behavior (NL) |
Morning programme - Van Swinderen Huys
Excel: Pivot Tables (NL)
door: Jolande Hollander
Have you ever heard of Excel Pivot Tables, but do you have no idea what that exactly is and what you can do with it? And what are 'Slicers' and how can you quickly create a simple 'Dashboard'? In this workshop you will become acquainted with the abovementioned possibilities in Excel.
Language workshop Japanese
Always wanted to learn another language? In addition to familiar languages such as English, Dutch and German, you can also go to the Language Center for more exotic languages that you might not be thinking about. Take the challenge and have a taste from the Japanese language and culture!
Manage your stress (NL)
by: Joan Draaisma
How do you recognize stress in yourself? How can you take action on time to overcome stress? What tips are there and how do you taske action? Too much for a workshop and yet we make an effort to explore and share some basic ideas.
Seasons in your carreer (NL)
by: Jildou Spoelstra and Irene Ravenhorst
Your career has different phases, also called seasons. Every seasonof consists of its own qualities and development. Get acquainted in this workshop with what they are and how you can reap the benefits.
Time Management: Your e-mail under control (NL)
by: Renee Niessen
Do you have a crowded inbox? In this workshop you will learn how you can efficiently process incoming e-mail, how you can have an empty mailbox every day and how you get an overview of the e-mails that you still need to do something with.
Time Management: The Big Rocks in your work (EN)
by: Renee Niessen
In this workshop you will be challenged to reflect on the priorities in your work. In case you realize that you spend too little time or energy on the important things, you will be encouraged to identify the time wasters and to take action.
Intervision (NL)
by: Sander Trooster
Intervision - or peer consultation - is a way of learning from and with each other (a group of professionals) to clarify and alter work situations. Structure is very important in order to get the most out of a session. Fortunately, in addition to the standard problem-advice-talk structures, there are a lot more creative structures to learn from, and with each other! In this workshop we explore memorable forms of intervision that work.
Mentoring (EN)
by: Sander Trooster
A good mentor (someone who uses mentoring skills) has two essential skills: listening and asking questions. They sound obvious, but have multiple dimensions. In this workshop g et acquainted with another dimension of these two basic skills.
Afternoon programme - Linnaeusborg
Storytelling: Make Your Presentations “Sticky” with Story (EN)
by: Tracy Poelzer
As humans, our brains are hardwired for story. Our ancestors shared important messages and morals around the campfire, and we can still use the same strategies to make learning “stick”. In this training tasting we will look at some of the “Why?” behind using more story-like elements in your presentation design, as well as the “How?” by doing some practical activities to begin building something you can use in your workshops, lectures, conference presentations, or teaching activities.
Formative Feedback Loops with Google Forms (EN)
by: Tracy Poelzer
Many teachers, especially those with large groups, feel that providing formative feedback to students is an almost impossible dream. It doesn’t have to be so. In this training tasting, we will explore how to use some hidden features of Google Forms in order to build easy-to-use, self-paced formative feedback loops for students that can be functional and informative, as well as save teachers time.
Voice Coaching
by: Karin Brummelmans
The voice is the instrument in many professional groups! Do you want to know more and especially experience what you can do with your voice in your work? Then follow the workshop Voice Coaching!
Job Satisfaction (NL)
by: Buro Fier
One of the most important aspects of job satisfaction and work fun is the noticeable improvement of our capacities. Nevertheless, we are sometimes fed up with learning. For example, because we think we should be able to do everything in one go, because we have sky-high expectations or compare ourselves to others. The way in which we look at our own development (growth mindset) appears crucial here. In this workshop you will become acquainted with your own mindset and its influence on how you learn. In addition, you get a first-hand guide to grow with more relaxation.
Sparkle when you speak
by: Eva Pantelakis
Imagine yourself standing on a stage. Have you always wanted to feel more relaxed, self confident and connected to your audience?
Eva Pantelakis (1985) has been an entrepreneur for 8 years, and she teaches entrepreneurs, Honours students, and Veni Vidi & Vici candidates to speak, sparkle & survive in front of groups. Being rather shy as a child, she knows what it takes to help people come out of their comfort zone and present themselves authentically.
Are you in for new skills, a lot of fun and getting out of your warm & cosy comfort zone ? If you feel challenged reading this; give it a try!
Excel: Tricks you’d wish you had known before (EN)
by: Theo van Mourik
Did you know: there are people who manually sum scores in Excel? Can you imagine, after years, when they are shown the ‘AutoSum’ button in the ribbon, that they’d feel overjoyed, relieved (and a bit silly). Would you like such a feeling yourself?
Are you familiar with terms like Vlookup, CtrlH, Macro recording, If and Ifs? If not, drop by and I’ll show you a number of excel tricks that you’d wish you had known before. Did you know: there are people who manually sum scores in Excel? Can you imagine, after years, when they are shown the ‘AutoSum’ button in the ribbon, that they’d feel overjoyed, relieved (and a bit silly). Would you like such a feeling yourself?
Stress Management (EN)
by: Karin Huizing
In your work you have stress and you have to cope with strict deadlines. How to deal with them? This workshop gives you a bit more information and tools for this. Originally this workshop was developed for Phd's, but support personnel is also invited.
Dealing with aggressive and unacceptable behavior (NL)
by: Wenckebach Instituut
What is normal behavior and when does it become unacceptable or when does it cross a border? In this workshop you are challenged to explore your own standards and values and those of others. How do you recognize forms of aggression, how do you deal with them now and could that be different?
In the week of 7 to 11 October, it is not only Health Week at the University of Groningen, but also Sustainability Week.
Last modified: | 13 January 2025 11.23 a.m. |