Onze partners
Als expertisecentrum COPE werken wij binnen uiteenlopende onderzoeksprojecten samen met diverse partners:

Avebe U.A.
Fabrikant van oplossingen op zetmeelbasis voor de voedings-, papier-, bouw-, textiel-, kleefstoffen- en diervoedingsindustrieën.

Neopost Technologies
Europees marktleider voor de productie en verkoop van postverwerkingsapparaten.

SPX process Equipment Operation
Producent van technische oplossingen en producten voor de verwerking, vermenging en transport van vloeistoffen.

Weir Minerals
Levert end-to-end oplossingen voor mijnbouw, transport, dorsen, verwerking en afvalmanagement.

Kwant controls
Eén van 's werelds toonaangevende fabrikanten van state-of-the-art, high-end nautische besturingssystemen.

Consortiumpartner in project ‘Conditiegestuurd onderhoud in de procesindustrie’.

Consortiumpartner in project ‘Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable’.

Waterbedrijf Groningen
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable’.

Variass Electronics B.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable’.

Province of Groningen
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Siemens Nederland N.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects B.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Wijnne Barends Logistics B.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Sectorinstituut Openbare Bibliotheken
Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Cross chain order fulfillment coordination for Internet sales’.

Intermodal Solutions (IMS)
Consortiumpartner in Dinalog R&D project ‘Design of LNG networks’.

Bang & Olufsen
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Meervoudige bronnen van feedback voor productontwikkeling’.

Bosch Thermotechniek B.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable’.

Friesland Campina
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable’.

Eekels Technology B.V.
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.

Dutch Institute World Class Maintenance
Consortiumpartner in project ‘Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms’.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 23 mei 2022 16:56 |