Possibilities for cooperation with COPE
As COPE Centre of Expertise we develop innovative solutions for problems which occur in practice. The types of collaborative connections with companies and not-for-profit organisations which we enter into may differ depending on the envisaged goals. Organisations often become Members of our centre; other types of cooperation also exist, though, especially for carrying out activities of limited duration.
Are you interested in a partnership? We'd like to talk to you about the options available. This page will give you an idea of the opportunities.
Continue to benefit from the latest scientific insights
COPE provides four membership types: Basis, Plus, Premium and Research. Below you will find a straightforward summary of the benefits provided by the individual memberships. Besides the memberships, we also provide custom-made solutions.
Improving knowledge
We offer staff members of all our Member Companies opportunities for broadening and deepening their knowledge in the fields of (1) Stock Management and Maintenance Planning, (2) Smart Manufacturing and Services, (3) Logistics and (4) Supply Chain Management, inter alia with the help of COPE workshops and the COPE congress. Premium Members even have the option of receiving customised in-house workshops.
COPE can help companies to get in touch with each other and exchange knowledge. Members have direct access to our staff for asking questions. Besides that, when you are a Member you may invite our researchers to provide input during meetings.
Getting in touch with tomorrow's staff members
COPE memberships provide various opportunities for contacting students. The Operations Department of the University of Groningen, which COPE is a part of, offers four different Master programmes: ‘Technology and Operations Management’, ‘Supply Chain Management’, ‘Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Sciences’ and ‘Industrial Engineering and Management’. Many of these students are looking for a work placement to be able to conduct their graduation research. And, obviously, they are looking for a job after their graduation.
COPE creates opportunities for companies to offer work placements to these students. In regard of the majority of the types of membership, except Basis, COPE provides the opportunity to draw up a substantive long-term programme for work placements. In addition to that, we offer possibilities for Member Companies to highlight their vacancies and in-house days. Depending on the type of membership, companies may also deliver a guest lecture.

Implementing innovation projects
In cooperating with a university on an innovation project you benefit from refreshing new insights and the latest scientific knowledge. Depending on the precise issue to be tackled and in close consultation with the company concerned, a project can be started which is then addressed by students and/or COPE staff members.
When students tackle the project, we call this “student consultancy”. It is suited for, in particular, short-term projects with a clearly defined objective. If greater innovative challenges must be dealt with, e.g. in respect of greenfield studies or projects with a long-term impact, the choice may be made to deploy COPE scientific staff members. Obviously, students and staff may work on the project together.
All types of Members may apply for student consultancy. Research Members have ample opportunities to have scientific staff members execute the project. Besides that, projects may be started outside the membership framework; obviously, a compensation will have to be agreed on in these cases.
Fundamental research conducted by our experts
While in many instances companies have promising ideas and concepts, their short-term returns are maybe too uncertain to invest a great deal of time and money in them. By the same token, though, these ideas could bring with them a major step forward for a number of companies or even for the entire industry.
COPE provides you with the opportunity to start projects in which a number of companies work together with the university for the purpose of developing new, ground-breaking concepts for the future. In many cases, COPE takes the initiative for these types of projects and invites COPE members to participate in the project. A company may take the initiative itself as well, though. The project must partially be financed by the participating companies; besides that, COPE will try and raise subsidies for the project.
Would you like to benefit from this cooperation as well? Please contact us to discuss the options your company has.
Last modified: | 21 December 2017 3.34 p.m. |