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Marieke de Smet

Marieke de Smet
Marieke de Smet

Moi! ('Hi' in both Groninger dialect and Finnish)

My name is Marieke and I joined Campus Fryslân's Educational Secretariat as a Student Affairs Officer. This means that together with my colleagues we take care of course enrolments, archiving exams and tests, registering grades and creating diplomas for graduates. We communicate a lot with students via email but you can always find us at the 2nd floor in the Beurs at the Student Service Desk if you have any questions about the practicalities of your studies.

Besides that I'm also the Scheduling Coordinator for Campus Fryslân and the faculty contact person for the educational IT systems (such as Brightspace, Ocasys and Progress).

Random facts about me:

- played saxophone for 15 years

- grew up in Belgium but haven't lived there anymore since my 18th

- proud cat mom

- sweet tooth

- building my own overland vehicle

- dreams of travelling the world (with the above overland vehicle)

- studied Finno-Ugric Languages and Cultures at UG

- long time volunteer in the music and culture scene in Groningen

- loves hiking

Last modified:21 May 2024 08.15 a.m.