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Dr. Élise Rouméas

Dr. Élise Rouméas
Dr. Élise Rouméas

I am a political philosopher, with an insatiable interest in compromise—which, I like to think, makes me a rather easy-going colleague. I have studied compromise in the context of religious conflicts, workplace accommodation, and more recently, in relation to voting— I argue that tactical voters are compromisers. I am delighted to be joining the Chair group Global and Local Governance and to be co-teaching the courses Ethics & Global Responsibility, Key Political Thinkers as well as the Leadership Lab. Before moving to Leeuwarden, I spent several years in Oxford, during which I contributed to two research projects, one on religion and public life and the other on the ethics of voting. I completed my PhD in Sciences Po Paris. Originally from rural France (near Besançon), I look forward to discovering the natural beauties of Friesland!

Last modified:21 May 2024 08.15 a.m.