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About us Campus Fryslân University College Fryslân: Global Responsibility & Leadership Applying to UCF

Selection procedure

Because the BSc Global Responsibility & Leadership is a small-scale and intensive programme, a selection procedure applies. The selection procedure is divided into two parts: document review & interview.

Passing both parts of the selection procedure is a condition for admission to the BSc Global Responsibility & Leadership.

If you have questions about the selection procedure, please contact the UCF team via ucf-grl or +31(0)6 15 54 84 41

1. Selection Documents

When you apply you are asked to upload required documents, including three selection documents:

* Motivational Letter or Video (in English)

* Curriculum Vitae (in English)

* Reference Letter (in English, Dutch also allowed)

Please take into account the criteria for the selection procedure documents.

If you are deemed admissible based on the GRL admission requirements, then the UCF Admissions Board will evaluate your selection documents. If they think you seem to be a promising candidate for the GRL programme based on your selection documents, you will then be invited to take part in the second part of the selection procedure: the selection interview

2. Selection Interview

In case you pass the first step of the selection procedure, you will then be invited for an interview. Interviews are with an UCF staff member, in person or via Google Meet. The interview is conducted in English and will last for approximately 20 minutes.

The interview is a chance for the UCF Admissions Board to get to know each applicant better, and for the applicant its thé time to ask any questions they might still have about the programme, the UCF community or studying in Leeuwarden.

Last modified:27 February 2024 3.51 p.m.