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About us Campus Fryslân Studying at Campus Fryslân Exchange Students Incoming Students

Courses, exams and related matters

If you wish to spend a semester or a year with us as an exchange student, you may choose classes from the first year of our bachelor programmes Global Responsibility & Leadership and 'Data Science & Society:

In case you would like to take 2nd- or 3rd- year courses, our Admissions Board must first approve it based on your home university transcript of records and decide if you meet the requirements to follow these courses. Please upload your course selection in Mobility Online, so that we can assess and approve the courses selected, as well as ask for approval on your behalf, if necessary.

Important! Please be aware that there is no course drop period. After the enrollment deadline students are supposed to stick with the courses they selected.

Course workload

Exchange students are required to take a minimum 1 (5 ECTS*) and maximum 3 (15 ECTS) courses per block. You should discuss directly with your exchange office before your exchange, the minimum of credits that you need to acquire while studying abroad.

*1 ECTS equals 28 hours of study. Those hours include preparing for and attending classes, group works, assignments, exams and so on.

Last modified:24 January 2024 12.51 p.m.