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Second generation GRL students graduated

01 July 2022
Third year Global Responsibility & Leadership students received their diplomas
Third year Global Responsibility & Leadership students received their diplomas

On Friday, July 1, more than fifty students received their diplomas for the bachelor programme Global Responsibility & Leadership (GRL) at Campus Fryslân - University College Fryslân. The ceremony took place in De Grote of Jacobijnerkerk in Leeuwarden, near the faculty building. Mr. Diederik Samsom was present as keynote speaker. There were musical performances by GRL students.

Global Challenges

"We understand that sometimes you feel like the weight of the world is on your generation, but we have also seen that you can act locally first, and see that you can already make a difference here", said programme director Indira van der Zande in her speech to the graduating students, who have dedicated their studies to solving current and future global challenges and creating value through science. Over the past three years, they focused on areas such as crises, education, health and climate change, inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Areas that have proven to be increasingly pressing, for example with the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

"Being a student during this time was difficult", stated Valedictorian (best student) Hannah Huber during the ceremony. "University deadlines seemed so inappropiate compared to the struggles of the world. But the community we have here was incredible in giving each other strength. Having conversations, sharing our worries and supporting each other through the deadlines would not have been possible without such a close and like-minded community."

Local solutions

Through participating with local initiatives, classroom discussions and public events, the students demonstrated commitment to global issues and their eagerness to find local solutions. An academic attitude that was recognized by Van der Zande during her speech: "You will undoubtedly find ways to inspire yourself and others to join you in local efforts, and we are confident that we have given you all the knowledge and skills to go out into the world and do good, in whatever field you decide to pursue."

Passion, mindset and working ethics

Andrej Zwitter, Dean at Campus Fryslân, is proud of this second cohort of bachelor’s students: “This generation represents all that our programme and our faculty stands for: passion for making the world a better place, an inter- and transdisciplinary mindset, and a working ethics that will make them succeed in life. I'm incredibly proud and happy to witness this community start a new phase in their career and life and I wish them all the best”.


For those who could not attend the ceremony in person, the graduation has been streamed live via YouTube.

Last modified:26 September 2022 12.13 p.m.
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