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GlobalCast: Why climate adaptation will be the key to our survival

31 March 2021

Are you more than aware of your behavior and impact on the Climate as a World Citizen? Or is it just something you heard about? Do we need to adapt individually or do we need to adapt more as a community, together? How can we adapt? And why is it called: The Key to Our Survival? As always at GlobalCast we dive in a bit deeper with the help of some experts.

This episode we invited two Climate & Adaptation specialists: Dr. Karsten Schulz, Assistant Professor Governance & Innovation at University of Groningen Campus Fryslan and an expert on Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction. Sander Chan PhD, is a Political scientist specialized in transnational climate action and global environmental politics and most recently as a senior researcher at the Global Center on Adaptation.

Last modified:16 July 2021 11.15 a.m.
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