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Global Responsibility & Leadership Top rated programme 2021

26 November 2020
Top rated programme 2021
Top rated programme 2021

For the second time in a row, the Keuzegids (guide to select a University/programme) has awarded the Top Programme quality label to the BSc. Global Responsibility & Leadership at University College Fryslân. This puts University College Fryslân in the top three of University Colleges in the Netherlands.

The Keuzegids Universities 2021 assigns the label Top rated programme to bachelor's programmes that have a total score of 76 points or more in the assessment. Global Responsibility & Leadership achieved 86 points, two points more than in 2020. There is a separate guide for the master's programs that will be published in Spring 2021.

Prof. Andrej Zwitter, Dean of the University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân: “It is a great achievement that University College Fryslân is among the top names in the Netherlands only two years after its start. This is a tremendous appreciation for all employees who are dedicated to our students on a daily basis and encouragement to keep up the good spirit.”

Acting director University College Fryslân Dr. Berfu Ünal: “We are delighted to hear that our programme is once again rated as a top programme. This is a great recognition of all the efforts and involvement by our academic and professional staff, who together are truly committed to making it an excellent programme. We are aware that studying can be a challenge nowadays at times of pandemic. We will continue doing our utmost best to ensure having a high-quality programme and a pleasurable education setting that meet the expectations of current and prospective students”.

The Keuzegids is intended for students and counselors who want to orientate themselves on university bachelor's programmes. The assessments in the guide are drawn up on the basis of student assessments, data from Study Choice123 and assessment reports from NVAO.

Last modified:26 November 2020 11.55 a.m.
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