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PhD defence Selen Eren: Black-tailed godwit researchers themselves studied in times of digitisation

When:Th 14-03-2024 13:30 - 15:30
Where:The Beurs, Wirdumerdijk 34, Leeuwarden (also online)

It is possible to follow the defence online via the livestream.

The programme:

13:30 - 14:00
Selen will give a layman's talk
14:00 - 15:30
public defense ceremony
Selen Eren
Selen Eren

Biologists collect data about biodiversity, and like in other fields, digital data has become more and more important. However, a lot of research in both ecology and social science questions whether new data collection and analysis techniques help to fight biodiversity loss. How does our focus on data change what we know about biodiversity and can it make ecological science better?

Researching the Dutch national bird
PhD candidate Selen Eren from the Knowledge Infrastructures group at Campus Fryslân explored the work of ecologists who study the rapid disappearance of the Dutch national bird, the black-tailed godwit (grutto), and of its traditional Frisian meadow habitat. Her thesis combines ethnographic fieldwork and historical analysis to understand the tensions in how this group of ecologists plan, do, and share research. The goal of Eren’s work is to understand how tensions within the research field affect our knowledge on biodiversity loss, so that we can improve research practices and outcomes.

Towards liveable futures
Eren’s research invites ecologists to move beyond the role of detached observer. She explains: “This means the work calls on ecologists to actively participate in building multispecies liveable futures, not only by diagnosing the loss of biodiversity, but also by changing their research practices to have fair and effective outcomes for the birds and society.” Eren describes how we can use tensions within research practices to the benefit of science and society at large instead of ridiculing or rejecting these tensions.

Join us on March 14th in Leeuwarden to learn more during Eren’s defence!


About Selen Eren (1991)
Selen Eren holds a double Bachelor's degree in political science and sociology from Galatasaray University (Turkey) and a Master’s degree in philosophy of science and technology from the University of Twente (the Netherlands). After completing her dissertation at the University of Groningen at the end of 2023, she has started a postdoctoral position on microbial bioeconomy transitions at the University of Oulu (Finland).

Read the interview with Selen by the Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development.

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