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Climate Change and the Long-Term Future – a PPE Winter School

From:Mo 29-01-2024
Until:Tu 30-01-2024

After several successful installments, the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Groningen will host its yearly Winter School, aimed primarily at advanced undergraduate students and early-stage graduate students. The theme of the Winter School is Climate Change and the Long-Term Future. It will consist of 6 lecture tutorials where topics related to the theme will be discussed from different disciplinary viewpoints: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE). To facilitate attendance by people from outside the Netherlands and Europe, the winter school will be held online.

Climate change is among the biggest challenges humanity faces today. How should individuals, societies, and humanity at large respond to climate change and other long-term challenges? Far from being a question for the natural sciences alone, a good answer also requires a ‘PPE perspective’, that is, a perspective that combines philosophy, politics, and economics. In this winter school, different researchers will take a PPE perspective in exploring climate change and our ethical and political obligations towards future people. The winter school starts with fundamental normative questions, such as: What are our moral obligations to future people? Do they extend to all future people and, if so, does this imply that our longtermist moral duties trump any short-term concerns? Climate change mitigation is typically seen as a collective action problem and calls for an institutional solution that facilitates widespread cooperation among individuals and countries. But what exactly makes for successful and sustainable institutions? And a social-psychological perspective will ask: what explains people’s attitudes and actions towards the environment and future generations and how can those be improved? How can democracies respond to wide disagreement around climate impacts and appropriate mitigation measures? And, finally, what are effective solutions to securing a sustainable energy supply? For example, should such a mix include nuclear energy? And are European carbon pricing initiatives on the right track?


Monday, January 29, 2024
10.00 – 10:15  
10:15 – 12:00 
12:00 – 13:00   
13.00 – 14.45
15.15 – 15.45
Coffee break
15.45 – 17.30
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
10:00 – 11:45  
11:45 – 12:00
Presentation on PPE
12:00 – 13:00
13.00 – 14:45  
14:45 – 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45 
The researchers
‘Climate Science and Democracy – Considerations from Political Epistemology’
‘Sustainable institutions’
‘Carbon pricing policies in the EU: a law and economics perspective’
‘Climate change as a collective action problem and the importance of very cheap energy’
’Longtermism and our duty towards far-future people’

The winter school is aimed at advanced undergraduate students and early-stage graduate students. It also offers students interested in studying the PPE Master in Groningen an insight into the kinds of teaching and research done at the PPE Centre.

To register, send us an email, letting us know your name, affiliation, and what you study (which subject and whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student) to with 'Registration for winter school' as subject, no later than January 5 th , 2024. Depending on registration numbers, we will give preference to advanced undergraduate students.

General Information

 Dates: January 29 – 30 th , 2024

 Registration deadline: January 5 th , 2024

 Location: online

Further inquiries can be directed to