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Opening of the Academic Year

When:Tu 06-09-2022 14:30 - 17:30
Where:De Grote of Jacobijnerkerk, Bredeplaats 4, 8911 EP, Leeuwarden

We would like to invite you to the Opening of the Academic Year 2022-2023 on Tuesday 6 September. A special year because our newest BSc Data Science & Society will start.

Prof. Linnet Taylor
Prof. Linnet Taylor

Gemma Frisius Lecture: Can technology be just? An argument for global data justice

To celebrate the start of Campus Fryslân's newest BSc programme Data Science & Society per September 2022, we've invited prof. Linnet Taylor to give this year's Gemma Frisius keynote lecture during the Opening

Linnet Taylor is Professor of International Data Governance at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), in the Netherlands. Her research focuses on digital data, representation and democracy, with particular attention to transnational governance issues. Her work on group privacy and data justice is used in discussions of technology governance in countries around the world. She leads the ERC Global Data Justice project, which aims to develop a social-justice-informed framework for governance of data technologies on the global level. The research is based on insights from technology users, providers and civil society organisations around the world. Her work is also currently supported by the Luminate foundation and the EU AI Fund. She is a member of the Dutch Young Academy (De Jonge Akademie) and a co-chair of the NWO’s Social Science roundtable advisory group.


We will start the programme with a word of welcome by Prof. Andrej Zwitter, Dean of Campus Fryslân. This year's Gemma Frisius lecture will be given by Prof. Linnet Taylor (Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society). Besides the keynote we will hear from our student assessor, the Faculty Council, and we get to enjoy some music by BSc Global Responsibility & Leadership students.

14.30 - 15.00 pm: Welcome with coffee and tea
15.00 - 15.20 pm: Academic procession
15.20 - 16.30 pm: Official programme
16.30 - 17.30 pm: Reception