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Over ons Campus Fryslân

Diversity Week at CF! Tuesday 1 October - Friday 4 October

Vanaf:di 01-10-2024
Tot en met:vr 04-10-2024
Waar:Campus Fryslân, Leeuwarden
Diversity Week

You are welcome to join us for Diversity Week at Campus Fryslân. There's something for everyone, covering various aspects of diversity: gain skills to better support neurodivergent students in the classroom, engage in discussions on the gender health gap, play a board game exploring the experiences of LGBTQ+ refugees in the Netherlands, join a walk to discover Leeuwarden's biodiversity, share your spoken words in the diversity poetry slam, learn about Frisian history, culture, and language, and watch an award-winning documentary (with the director in attendance) about aging and living with dementia.

Why: Diversity Week aims to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion, build student and staff skills related to diversity and inclusion, and celebrate diversity! 

Check out the program and save the dates!

What is it?
Tuesday 1 October
0.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m.
1.22 (Schurman room), CF
Neurodiversity Educational Workshop
DEI Committee & Neurodiversity Working Group are inviting all CF lecturers (including PhD students) to an educational workshop on neurodiversity to learn about the different conditions that are represented under the neurodiversity framework, the inclusive terminology, and the best practices in accommodating neurodivergent students’ needs. 

The event is open to:
CF staff with a teaching role, including Study Advisors and PhD students.

Tuesday 1 October
5.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Slieker Film located in Fries Museum
Human Forever film
DEI Committee and Slieker Film are inviting you to a documentary film showcase.  
Human Forever is a film directed by University of Groningen alum Jonathan de Jong. The film follows 24-year-old humanitarian activist Tuen Tobbes who follows a three-year journey across 4 continents and 11 countries to investigate how to improve the quality of life of people living with Dementia. Together they explore how dementia is dealt with in other countries and what we can learn from each other to make the future more inclusive.
The director, Jonathan de Jong, will join us at the Slieker cinema to introduce the film as well as answer questions. This is a beautiful film that has touched many audiences and inspires us to care for one another.

Due to the limited space the sign up for this event is mandatory (by 29 September 2024).

This event is open to: University of Groningen students and staff.
Wednesday 2 October
0.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Living Lab room, CF
Board Game (LGBTQ+ Refugee Awareness)
DEI Committee is inviting you to a lunch time event in which

 Mirjam Kingma (alumni of GRL Campus Fryslan and PhD researcher at RUG) will demonstrate the boardgame that she has designed to raise awareness about the experiences of LGBTQ+ refugees in the Netherlands. The boardgame takes the players on a journey that a LGBTQ+ refugee takes when arriving in the Netherlands, in which they face obstacles, big decisions and challenges. At the end of the game, not all players get to reach the end goal, which displays the reality of many LGBTQ+ refugees who will be sent back to their country of origin. The game is based on qualitative interviews with LGBTQ+ refugees who were in the asylum seeking process at the time.

Language: English

Registration required: No

This event is open to: All UG staff and students and external visitors.

Wednesday 2 October
7.30 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.
Auditorium, CF
Studium Generale Leeuwarden - lezing over 'De gelijkheidsparadox: Over de geschiedenis van het vrouwenlichaam'

Bijna iedere week verschijnen er berichten in de media over zogenaamde gender health gap, het verschil tussen mannen en vrouwen in medische behandelingen. Heel vaak stellen gezondheidsonderzoekers dat ze niet goed begrijpen waar deze verschillen vandaan komen en waarom het probleem zo hardnekkig is.

Historici Rina Knoeff en Karen Hollewand geven tijdens deze publiekslezing antwoord op deze vraag, met veel historische voorbeelden.

Dit event is toegankelijk voor: iedereen.
Lees meer en meld je aan.

Thursday 3 October
0.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Meeting in the Front Desk, CF
Biodiversity Walk
DEI committee is inviting you to a biodiversity walk in which the ecologist Carol Garzon-Lopez will take us on a journey to (re)discover the cultural, social and ecological diversity that emerges from the biological diversity found at Rengerspark, a park where trees from all over the world are found. The participants can later further explore the park visiting the Tree Library.

We are meeting in front of the Front Desk of Campus Fryslân between 12:15 - 12:30 and we will then start the walk around Leeuwarden (Prinsentuin).

This event is open to: students and staff from the CF, and other faculties of the UG, as well as external visitors.
Friday 4 October
0.30 p.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Living Lab room, CF
Frisian XCulture and Language
Jelske Dijkstra, from Fryske Academy, will give an informative and inspiring lecture on the language, culture, and history of Friesland.

Language: Frysk/Frisian

Registration required: No

This event is open to: All UG staff and students and external visitors.

Accessibility-related information:  Campus Fryslân is accessible by wheelchair.

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