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Campus College - What motivates you to change your behaviour for environmental sustainability? - Dr. Berfu Unal

When:Tu 17-10-2023 19:30 - 21:00
Where:Campus Fryslân, The Beurs, Wirdumerdijk 34, 8911 CE, Leeuwarden

What motivates you to change your behaviour for environmental sustainability?

This lecture is given by dr. Berfu Unal about the motivators of behaviour change for environmental sustainability.

Unfortunately, it's no news : in order to limit global warming to 1.5 ºC, we need a complete change in people's lifestyle where environmentally-harmful behaviours are replaced with sustainable ones. We need large-scale behavioural transitions in different domains such as in mobility, household energy-use and consumption.
But how can we ignite such a transition and convince people about the right thing to do for the environment?
What would motivate people to act pro-environmentally? And what would motivate you?
Policy-makers usually turn into knowledge or information-provision as a strategy to motivate people. In this talk, I would like to challenge that strategy by giving examples from research, and offer alternative explanations for how to motivate people for sustainable behaviour change. 

About dr. Berfu Unal
Dr. Berfu Unal is an Associate Professor of Social and Environmental Psychology at the Faculty of Campus Fryslan. She is at the College Board of the University College Fryslan where she coordinates the major Responsible Humanity. 

Berfu Unal