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About us Campus Fryslân Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

The Centre for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a Circular Economy believes we can restore the balance of our valuable systems. Sustainable entrepreneurs generate new products and services with new business models that offer solutions for the grand challenges of the modern world economy. Sustainable entrepreneurs transform the linear, fossil-fuel based liberal market economies into circular, green and sustainable socie-ties with well-being for all. Sustainable entrepreneurs save the only planet earth that we have.

The Centre wants to make sustainable entrepreneurship and the transition to a circular economy successful. This mission translates in new teaching programs for students, new research programs for scholars and new solutions for regional, national and international communities. The Centre provides students, business leaders, scholars, policy-makers and citizens with all knowledge and competencies they need to make sustainable entrepreneurship and the transition to a circular economy successful.


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