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New Year's Resolutions

Date:14 December 2020
Author:Sinead Walsh
Happy new year!
Happy new year!

It’s that time of year again. Where “new year, new me” is everyone's favourite phrase. Because we believe in your abilities to commit to something, we have come up with some New Year’s Resolutions ideas to get you started!

I resolve to….

Stop drinking orange juice after my brush my teeth

 Watch more cute and cuddly kitten videos on YouTube

 Switch my username to “password” and my password to “username” to make each a lot harder for hackers to figure out

 Watch less TV . . . in standard definition

 Talk with a robot voice all the time

 Lose weight by inventing an antigravity machine

 Eat more fruit … snacks

 Save some money for a rainy day. That way I can shop online instead of going to an actual store

 Lowering my bills by digging a hole to put them in

 Visit the grocery store more often than restaurants, especially when free samples are being given out

 Stop throwing away money that could at least be burned for heat

 Love myself as much as Lizzo loves herself

 Communicate exclusively in memes - this will go very well when it comes to completing assignments

 Happy new year!

About the author

Sinead Walsh
Hey there! My name is Sinead Walsh. I grew up in Ireland and I'm in the process of figuring out life as an international student in the Netherlands. Aside from an interest in politics and the environment, I am currently studying an MSc in Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Campus Fryslân. You'll see me around the campus almost daily so don't be afraid to come up for a chat any time!