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Mental well-being during your studies

Date:12 October 2021
What can UG mean to my mental health?
What can UG mean to my mental health?

What do you do when a fellow student/ friend is having a hard time with their mental health? How do you ask for help when you don't know where to go? What can UG mean to my mental health? In honour of Mental health day that took place on Sunday 10 October, we want to give you more information about help that Campus Fryslân/ University Groningen offers regarding mental health and tips on how to help someone else who is going through a hard time.

What mental health care does Campus Fryslân/ UG offer?

Student well-being portal
Sometimes it is very difficult to ask for help if you feel like you need it. The Student Well-being Portal is designed for students who are looking for help with important subjects such as: financial well-being,  physical well-being, social well-being and more. The topic of mental well-being is also mentioned in this portal. You may experience stress because of your programme, feel overwhelmed because of a culture shock or you are struggling with something else. The Student Well-being Portal gives you extra guidance in these situations. You can also find support options and referral addresses here that are available depending on your situation.

Meditation room Campus Fryslân

As some of our students may already know, The Beurs has a room in the building specially made for meditating. If you want to relax, pray, do yoga or just need a quiet space all to yourself you can book this meditation room at the Frontdesk. The Frontdesk will give you access with your card. 
What can I do for someone who’s struggling?

Talk about it!

This might seem difficult, and of course it depends on the relationship you have with someone, but don’t be afraid to take this first step. If something is going on, then waiting is not the way to go. Try to let them know that you are open to the conversation, but leave the conversation and the amount they want to share up to them. Listening is the best thing you can do. You don't need to give them a solution: sometimes being there to listen is all they need.

Ask them what you can do to help

Asking them if you can do something for them shows that you care. Besides, they will feel that they can make the decision to take further action. If they don't have an answer then you can ask another time, but they will know you are there for them and that you are willing to help. 

Distraction isn’t always bad

We know that listening is very good and super important but sometimes providing someone with a nice distraction can help too. If someone is struggling with their mental health it could be that their mind is filled with destructive thoughts. Inviting them to take a walk or to watch a movie can be very helpful. Also share how your life is going, maybe share a little bit about what you are dealing with so that the other person knows that they are not alone. 

When you struggle with your mental health or someone close to you is, it is very important to talk about it. Call someone who you trust, write about it in a journal or approach a professional. If you’re concerned it will influence your study career, then schedule a meeting with your Study Advisor, who’s there to listen and who knows what actions might have to be taken. Remember: you are not alone! 

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