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Interview with admissions officer Maria Magas

Date:15 February 2023
Do you know what to think about when you’re applying for your new bachelor's programme? Meet Maria, admissions officer at Campus Fryslân, focused on the bachelor's programmes.
DSS class

A day in the life of a DSS student

Date:15 February 2023
Gain insights into student life in Leeuwarden from the perspective of Campus Fryslân students. Hi! I am Tessa, a first year Data Science and Society (DSS) student. Today, I will show you a typical Friday of a DSS student.
Leminh Nguyen

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) application for the Luxembourgish language - MSc Voice Technology

Date:20 January 2023
Leminh Nguyen is a graduate of the MSc Voice Technology program. In his thesis, he pioneered improvements in the automatic recognition of Luxembourgish, his native language.
Staying warm during winter

How do I survive uni: staying HOT this winter

Date:10 January 2023

High energy bills and inflation affect all of us. And if you’re asked if you have any New Year's resolutions, it doesn't get any better. You should start moving your butt right now if you want to avoid freezing this winter. This blog post will teach you...

Studying abroad

Asking students abroad how they are doing

Date:23 December 2022

In the third year of the Global Responsibility and Leadership (GRL) programme, you will have the opportunity to do a minor for six months. You can choose to do an internship, extend your studies, go on an exchange, or a lot more. Most students choose to go...

Yasmin walking through the streets of Leeuwarden

How do I survive uni: Experiencing a culture shock

Date:20 December 2022

Moving to another country for studies can be both exciting and terrifying. When you start living somewhere new, especially if the culture is new to you, you may experience a culture shock. This means that you go through four phases: honeymoon, anxiety,...

Working in catering

Getting the job done: Working in the Netherlands as an international

Date:20 December 2022

Are you looking for a job? Want to make some extra money and gain work experience? Some international students have indicated that they are struggling with finding a job in Leeuwarden.  In this blog, the SIS committee hopes to give you some pointers to...

Holiday season

Sustainable gift ideas for the holiday season

Date:06 December 2022

The sun sets early, the temperature drops, and the candles are lit—it's the holiday season! Being together is important at this time of year, and this sometimes includes purchasing gifts for your loved ones. That is why we have provided some sustainable...

Sustainable Tourism & Society students

Working in the field of Sustainable Tourism & Society

Date:24 November 2022

Lisa, Alumni of our MSc Cultural Geography – Sustainable Tourism and Society Track, recently found a new job as a Young Professional Sustainable Tourism economy at the Municipality of Leeuwarden. We spoke to her about her search for a job, what...

MArije de Boer and Eike van der Weele

What's it like to work in the field of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Date:24 November 2022

Marije de Boer and Eike van der Weele completed the MSc Sustainable Entrepreneurship at Campus Fryslân in respectively 2021 and 2022. By now both are working for Vereniging Circulair Friesland (VCF), an association of Frisian companies, local governments...