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University of Groningen Business School
Connecting for impact

Lineke Sneller appointed as Professor of Practice of Digitalization & AI in Accounting and Auditing

26 april 2024
Lineke Sneller
Professor Lineke Sneller

As of 1 May, professor Lineke Sneller will be appointed as Professor Practice of Digitalization & AI in Accounting and Auditing. The chair is situated within the department of Accounting and Auditing. Lineke Sneller is currently Professor of Accounting Information Systems at Nyenrode Business University. She received a Master's degree in Econometrics (Erasmus Rotterdam) and she obtained her PhD at Nyenrode in 2010.

In the past twenty years, Sneller has held CIO and board member positions at, amongst others, Vodafone NL and Tele2. She has been the president of the Dutch Computer Society (Ngi), and a member of the advisory board of the Association of Chartered Controllers (VRC). In 2010, Sneller became Dutch CIO of the Year. She is a member of the supervisory / non- executive boards of EY, Infomedics, and Van Wijnen, and previously of Achmea, CCV Group, ProRail, and Bits of Freedom, amongst others.

Sneller is looking forward to this new challenge. “Digitalization and AI are developing very rapidly. The new chair gives me the opportunity to investigate how these technologies can take the fields of accounting, control, governance, and auditing a step further. My ambition is to do this in such a way that science and practice move forward simultaneously.”

According to FEB’s dean professor Peter Verhoef, Sneller will bring a lot of experience in both research and (executive) education in digitalization & AI and accountancy, controlling, and governance to FEB and will be specifically working with the University of Groningen Business School (UGBS). “She will share her vast knowledge and experience with executive master students and particpants of incompany programs.”

Laatst gewijzigd:26 april 2024 13:35
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