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University of Groningen Business School
Connecting for impact
UGBS Executive programma's PE | Controllers

PE-sessie Sustainable Accounting (Engelstalig)

Voor registercontrollers

In deze PE sessie draait het om vragen als: wat is de rol van managementaccountants bij het bevorderen van duurzaam ondernemerschap van het bedrijf of de organisatie? Hoe is er concurrentievoordeel te behalen met duurzaamheidsprestaties en transparantie erover? Hoe schadelijk is greenwashing voor de marktwaarde van een onderneming?

Spreker: Dr. Nazim Hussain, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

  • Datum en tijd: dinsdag 8 november 2022, 15.30-20.00 uur
  • Locatie: Duisenberggebouw, Zernike Campus Groningen
  • Voertaal: Engels
  • Kosten: €75,-
  • PE Punten: 4

-- De aanmelding is gesloten --

Dr. Nazim Hussain

About the speaker

Dr. Nazim Hussain is currently working as a tenured Assistant Professor of Accounting at the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. Nazim completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. During his Ph.D., he was a visiting researcher at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and the University of Leiden.

His research interests lie in the areas of Corporate Sustainability Performance and Disclosure analysis, Financial Accounting, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Greenwashing. Nazim’s research work has appeared in high-quality academic research outlets, such as; British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, British Accounting Review, Journal of International Money and Finance, Business & Society, and Energy Economics among others.

About the lecture

Nazim will deliver a lecture on the role of management accountants in fostering corporate sustainability. This lecture will mainly focus on how sustainability performance and disclosure helps firms gain competitive advantage in the form of lower cost of capital and better access to finance. The lecture will also cover how sustainability performance-disclosure gap (greenwashing) harms market value of a company. Furthermore, the lecture will also cover how better monitoring can enhance sustainability reporting quality in the form of improved disclosure transparency.

Programma PE-sessie | dinsdag 8 november 2022

15.30 uur - 16.00 uur : Inloop
16.00 uur - 17.30 uur : Deel 1 programma
17.30 uur - 18.30 uur : Dinerbuffet
18.30 uur - 20.00 uur : Deel 2 programma

Over het gehele PE-aanbod

Lees meer over het PE-aanbod voor controllers van de University of Groningen Business School

Laatst gewijzigd:25 juli 2024 14:11