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University of Groningen Business School
Connecting for impact
Business School Executive programma's PE | Controllers

PE-sessie Sustainability Reporting (Engelstalig)

PE voor controllers: 11 juni Sustainability Reporting

In deze (Engelstalige) PE sessie draait het om het zich ontwikkelende vakgebied van Sustainability Reporting, en de rol van de Controller hierin.

Spreker: Dr. Nazim Hussain, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

  • Datum en tijd: dinsdag 11 juni 2024, 15.30-20.00 uur
  • Locatie: Duisenberggebouw, Zernike Campus Groningen
  • Kosten: €95,- incl. dinerbuffet
    (kosteloos voor ACNN leden en bedrijven EMFC consortium)
  • PE Punten: 4

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About the lecture

"Navigating the Landscape of Sustainability Reporting: Insights into the European Directive on CSRD and Combating Greenwashing"

In this lecture, we will explore the evolving field of sustainability reporting and the crucial role financial controllers’ play. We will cover the definition and importance of sustainability reporting, how it intersects with financial performance and the need for transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability.

We will also examine the European Directive on Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), discussing its objectives, key requirements, compliance timelines, and impacts on company reporting practices. Additionally, we will address greenwashing, understanding its effects on stakeholders, identifying deceptive sustainability practices, and reviewing regulations to prevent it.

For financial controllers, we will look at practical steps to integrate sustainability into financial reporting, ensure data accuracy, collaborate across departments, and prepare for audits to meet CSRD standards.

Throughout the session, discussions and exercises will enhance your understanding, equipping you with the knowledge to effectively support your organization's sustainability goals and compliance efforts.

Dr. Nazim Hussain

About the speaker

Dr. Nazim Hussain is currently working as a tenured Assistant Professor of Accounting at the faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen. Nazim completed his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. During his Ph.D., he was a visiting researcher at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam and the University of Leiden.

His research interests lie in the areas of Corporate Sustainability Performance and Disclosure analysis, Financial Accounting, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Greenwashing. Nazim’s research work has appeared in high-quality academic research outlets, such as; British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, British Accounting Review, Journal of International Money and Finance, Business & Society, and Energy Economics among others.

Programma PE-sessie | dinsdag 11 juni 2024

15.30 uur - 16.00 uur : Inloop
16.00 uur - 17.30 uur : Deel 1 programma
17.30 uur - 18.30 uur : Dinerbuffet
18.30 uur - 20.00 uur : Deel 2 programma

Over het gehele PE-aanbod

Lees meer over het PE-aanbod voor controllers van de University of Groningen Business School

Laatst gewijzigd:24 mei 2024 11:12