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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Kim Walk

Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

After graduating cum laude in Psychology, Kim Walk is currently completing a Research Master in Mental Health, within the multidisciplinary theme of Perspectives from Neuro- and Clinical Psychology, where she specializes in clinical psychology. Her passion lies in further deepening our knowledge of a field that is in her opinion still largely neglected and stigmatized: female psycho-sexology. To this end, she not only reads and analyses anything that is known about this topic, but also takes active part in various research studies, as a research assistant in Groningen, but also in the context of a six-month placement at the prestigious Institute of Sexology and Sexual Medicine at the Charité in Berlin. The latter was and still is, as Kim has continued to collaborate with Charité researchers after her placement as a guest researcher, a highly productive period in which she helped organize a conference, and which has led to a joint publication.

In addition, and still in line with her passion, Kim is involved at Het Overweeghuis, a house run by volunteers for prostitutes who are in trouble and/or who wish to rethink their future, and Frauenwohnen Plus (a house in Berlin for homeless and mentally ill women).

In the autumn, Kim Walk will be going to UCLA, California for an international placement in which she will have the opportunity to further do research and expand on the work she started in her placement at Charité. The GUF100 prize money will be very helpful in this context.

Kim Walk held an inspired pitch.

Kim Walk
Kim Walk
Last modified:08 July 2023 09.31 a.m.
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